FRC and FRC Action to Hold Fourth Annual Pray Vote Stand Summit This Week

CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Alice Chao, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866)-372-6397

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Later this week, Family Research Council and FRC Action will hold the fourth annual Pray Vote Stand Summit, which replaced FRC Action's previous flagship event, the Values Voter Summit. The Pray Vote Stand Summit will gather Christians from across the nation to pray for our nation, Israel, and the upcoming election. In addition to addressing policy issues of concern to SAGE Cons (Spiritually Active, Governance Engaged Conservatives), the Summit will include various discussions with political and theological experts on topics such as Understanding the Times, Israel: Past, Present and Future, and A Conversation about Global Governance and the WHO, to name just a few. The Summit will take place at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C., October 3-6, 2024.

Family Research Council President and FRC Action Chairman Tony Perkins commented:

"The cultural warning lights are flashing brightly on our nation's dashboard. America is in trouble. That's why I'm calling on Christians to come to Washington, D.C., for the Pray Vote Stand Summit--not as spectators, but as participants appealing to heaven, asking God to rend the heavens and come down (Isaiah 64:1).

"In just the past two months, there have been two assassination attempts on former President Donald Trump. Violence has gripped our nation as lawlessness invades our streets and institutions. Neither political party is championing life or protections for the unborn. Israel--our longtime friend and ally in the Middle East--is approaching one year at war since the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks, and U.S. support is tepid.

"Only a return to God will heal our nation. This fall election is crucial, but it won't solve our nation's sin problem. It may even worsen it. The solution is deeper--it's spiritual. We must restore a healthy reverence for God in our society, which will lead to respect for the lives of others and bring back the security and stability our country once knew," concluded Perkins.

WHAT: 4th annual Pray Vote Stand Summit

WHEN: October 3-6, 2024

WHO: Confirmed speakers include:

Michele Bachmann, Dean, Regent University's Robertson School of Government

Andrew Bailey, Missouri Attorney General

David Barton, Founder, WallBuilders

Dr. Voddie Baucham, Founder, Voddie Baucham Ministries

David and Jason Benham, Former MLB Players, Best-Selling Authors, Entrepreneurs

William Bock, Former NCAA Committee Member

Dr. Ben Carson, Founder, American Cornerstone Institute

Carter Conlon, General Overseer, Times Square Church

Katy Faust, Founder, Them Before Us

Gary Hamrick, Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Chapel

Erin Hawley, Senior Counsel & Vice President, Alliance Defending Freedom

Jack Hibbs, Senior & Founding Pastor, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills

Mark Houck, Pro-Life Advocate

Mike Huckabee, Former Arkansas Governor; Host, TBN's Huckabee

Dr. Robby George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University

Cissie Graham Lynch, Host, 'Fearless' Podcast

Dr. Os Guinness, Best-Selling Author and Political Commentator

Steve Marshall, Alabama Attorney General

Vanessa Sivadge, Registered Nurse & Whistleblower

Dave Yost, Ohio Attorney General

Ryan Walters, Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Chad Wolf, Former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security

Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council; Chairman, FRC Action

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, Executive Vice President, Family Research Council

Jody Hice, Former Congressman; President, FRC Action

More confirmed speakers at

WHERE: In person at the Omni Shoreham in Washington, D.C. (2500 Calvert St NW, Washington, DC 20008) and online at

Registration required and available at

To obtain media credentials for this event, please email

Family Research Council (FRC) is a sponsor only of the educational portion of the Pray Vote Stand Summit. FRC does not sponsor the appearance of any candidate for public office, nor does it support or oppose any candidate for elective public office.


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