Dr. Greg Murphy, Scott Perry, Ron Johnson, Josh Hawley

Greg Murphy
Scott Perry
Ron Johnson
Josh Hawley

July 10, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Dr. Greg Murphy, U.S. Representative for the 3rd District of North Carolina, provides an update on the House vote for the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which Republicans introduced to bolster election integrity.
  • Scott Perry, U.S. Representative for Pennsylvania’s 10th District, analyzes the 2024 NATO Summit, which brought 37 world leaders to Washington, D.C. for the organization’s 75th anniversary.
  • Ron Johnson, U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, responds to Senate Democrats pushing legislation to promote abortion on demand until birth to distract from President Biden’s sinking poll numbers.
  • Josh Hawley, U.S. Senator from Missouri, discusses the Republican Party Platform adopted for 2024, which does not contain a call for federal protections for the unborn included in every GOP platform dating back to the 1980s.

Episode Resources:

  • Read the minority report that Tony and others on the Republican Party Platform Committee submitted to the RNC following the adoption of the 2024 GOP Platform.
  • Click here to sign the petition in support of life and the minority report to the GOP platform.
  • Learn more about the Platform Integrity Project.
  • Download the StandFirm App!
  • Connect with Tony on Facebook and X.