

We're working together to make sure that decisions being made in America are based on biblical values. These are real issues that affect your family, and ours! We need help from believers like to you defend the faith!

I’m grateful to have FRC standing alongside, right with us. You know, we span an entire continent but our spirit, our soul is one with FRC. So, we’re grateful, and we’re thankful for the stand that FRC is taking and being the voice of the Christian community in our nation’s capital.

Pastor Jack Hibbs Senior and Founding Pastor, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, CA

The fight for life, gender issues, religious freedom, these are just some of the battles raging in culture today. I’m thankful for FRC, fighting on the frontlines for those issues. Their stand for faith, family, and freedom is helping Christians develop a biblical worldview.

Cissie Graham Lynch Host, "Fearless"

I'm so grateful for the involvement that I've been blessed to be a part of, really for decades now, with the Family Research Council. It's a highly credible organization and it's really just a tremendous honor to advance the kingdom of God through this organization.

Michele Bachmann Dean, Regent University School of Government

I believe in the Family Research Council and the work that it's doing. There aren't very many left that conform with biblical truth. But this organization has done that.

James Dobson American author and psychologist