Tell Texas Children's Hospital to Reinstate Vanessa Sivadge

We, the undersigned, are outraged that Texas Children's Hospital (TCH) would illegally terminate the employment of Vanessa Sivadge for nothing more than exposing the truth of TCH's illegal practices.

Under Texas state law, these gender transition procedures are illegal for minors. Further, to abuse taxpayer-funded Medicaid for these procedures is a violation of public trust in TCH and furthers a harmful practice at taxpayer expense. In addition to violating Texas state law, TCH has also violated Sivadge's religious freedom by refusing to accommodate her objection to participating in procedures that go against biblical principles. Choosing to terminate Sivadge's employment for merely revealing illegal activity speaks volumes about Texas Children's Hospital's legal and moral integrity.

Therefore, we, the undersigned, as Christians, parents, and concerned members of the community, condemn the actions of Texas Children's Hospital, demand that you immediately reinstate Sivadge as a nurse, stop illegally performing these gender transition procedures on minors, and issue a formal apology for this egregious conduct.

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