The Courts

The proper role of the courts is to interpret the law, not to make the law. Over the past 200 years, however, the power of the judiciary has grown to the point that it now threatens the separation of powers between the branches. The power of the legislative branch to make our laws has been challenged most directly by the courts. We must now confront a crisis of governance created by our judiciary and, more specifically, by the Supreme Court, which have grasped powers they were never intended to possess. In the period since the New Deal era, the Supreme Court has become an almost unchallengeable, unreviewable super-legislature, most tragically illustrated in its unconstitutionally legislative rulings that have negatively impacted life, marriage, and religious liberty. Family Research Council will make every effort to advocate for constitutional originalist judges to be appointed to the federal judiciary.

Featured Resources On The Courts

Roe Must End: The Legal, Historical, and Cultural Reasons to Overturn Roe v. Wade
Roe v. Wade: An Explainer
Religious Liberty and the Wedding Vendor Cases
A Legal Perspective: Does Same-Sex Marriage Mean the End of Tax Exemption for Churches and Religious Institutions?
Can Pastors and Churches Be Forced to Perform Same-Sex Marriages?
Supreme Court Nominations: Filling Justice Scalia's Seat and Beyond
Judge Neil Gorsuch: The Case for Confirmation
Why Judge Kavanaugh Should Be Confirmed to the Supreme Court
Why Amy Coney Barrett Should Be Confirmed to the Supreme Court
Preparing for a Post-Roe America: The History and Context of Pro-Life Laws in the States

More Content On The Courts

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Preparing for a Post-Roe America: The History and Context of Pro-Life Laws in the States
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Clarence and Ginni Thomas embody integrity in public service
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ProLifeCon 2022 to Focus on Possible End of Roe v. Wade, Says FRC
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Biden nominee for 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Nancy Abudu is radical activist, says Family Research Council, in letter to U.S. Senators
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The courage of Barronelle Stutzman
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The Supreme Court Case that Could Overturn Roe v. Wade
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Trump Judges and the Equality Act
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Election 2020 showed Republicans that it pays to be bold
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Family Research Council Applauds Confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett as Supreme Court Justice
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Presidential Promises Kept: Justice Barrett Will Fairly Apply and Honor the Law for Decades
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No quicker way to destroy America's fabric than to pack the Supreme Court
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FRC Urges Senators to Confirm Judge Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court
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Why Amy Coney Barrett Should Be Confirmed to the Supreme Court
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The religious war over the Supreme Court
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What it Means if Kamala Harris is a "Pragmatic Moderate"
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Justice Gorsuch botched Bostock v. Clayton County ruling on homosexual and transgender 'rights'
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Judge Justin Walker: A Warrior for Religious Liberty
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Tony Perkins to attend Supreme Court oral arguments in Louisiana abortion clinic admitting privileges case
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Family Research Council Files Amicus Brief in Bladensburg Peace Cross SCOTUS Case
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Family Research Council Congratulates Brett Kavanaugh on His Confirmation to the Supreme Court
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The Kavanaugh Circus Shows The Supreme Court's Political Power Is Out of Control
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Family Research Council Urges U.S. Senate to Confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court
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Kavanaugh Soars Over Keystone Kop Democrats
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Sen. Lindsey Graham Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Discuss the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings
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Kavanaugh Hearing Offers a Snapshot of Where the Left Wants to Take America, says Family Research Council
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What to Expect From the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing
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Why Judge Kavanaugh Should Be Confirmed to the Supreme Court
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Why This Supreme Court Nominee Matters
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Family Research Council Welcomes Judge Brett Kavanaugh as Pres. Trump's Supreme Court Nominee
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FRC's Tony Perkins Applauds Supreme Court Ruling Upholding Free Speech Rights for Pregnancy Care Centers
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FRC's Tony Perkins' Statement on Arlene's Flowers, Inc. v. Washington Remand to Lower Court
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FRC Responds to the Supreme Court's Decision in Bladensburg Peace Cross Case
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Family Research Council Statement on Confirmation of Kyle Duncan to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
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The EEOC's Ever-Expanding Definition of “Sex Discrimination”
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The Inanity of Liberals' Fearmongering on Tax Reform
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Family Research Council's Tony Perkins Speaks in Support of Jack Phillips at Supreme Court Rally
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Family Research Council's Tony Perkins to Speak at Supreme Court Rally in Support of Baker Jack Phillips
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Louisiana AG Jeff Landry Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio Sharing His Support for Trump Nominee Kyle Duncan
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The First Amendment Protects a Dissenting Cake Baker, Not State Coercion
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In abortion case, we let two children down: Jane Doe and Baby Doe
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Court Ruling Striking Down Clergy Housing Allowance Another Example of Hostile Environment Created by Obama administration, says Family Research Council
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FRC Submits Joint Brief Urging SCOTUS to Hear School Bathroom Case, Protect Privacy
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Family Research Council Applauds President Trump's Nominations to the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
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Family Research Council, NC Values Coalition File Joint Amicus Brief in Masterpiece Cakeshop SCOTUS Case
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Family Research Council, NC Values Coalition File Joint Amicus Brief in Arlene's Flowers SCOTUS Case
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Supreme Court Delivers Big Wins for Religious Freedom
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Family Research Council Encouraged by Unanimous 5th Circuit Ruling Allowing Implementation of Mississippi Law Against Government Discrimination
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4 Entertaining Moments During Oral Arguments Over Banning Churches From Public Funds
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Family Research Council's Travis Weber Upbeat After Trinity Lutheran Oral Arguments
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FRC's Travis Weber to Attend Oral Arguments in Justice Gorsuch's First Religious Liberty Case
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Family Research Council Congratulates Neil Gorsuch on His Confirmation to the Supreme Court
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The 'Bigly,' and Necessary, Humility of Judge Neil Gorsuch
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Judge Neil Gorsuch: The Case for Confirmation
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Neil Gorsuch's Proven Track Record of Protecting Religious Liberty
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Judge Gorsuch Is A Mainstream Constitutionalist
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Religious Liberty and the Wedding Vendor Cases
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U.S. Supreme Court's Hold on School Bathroom Ruling Is Encouraging News for Schools Resisting Obama's Bathroom Edict
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Regulations Regarding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
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Family Research Council: Judge Displays Religious Animus Against Mississippians In Striking Down Religious Freedom Law
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Q&A on the Abortion Facility Regulations Decision
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Family Research Council Hosts Panel Discussion, ''Obergefell v. Hodges: One Year Later''
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Family Research Council Praises Dismissal of Unwarranted Charge Against David Daleiden

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For 40 years, we've been committed to advancing faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview.

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