We can't let political uncertainty shake us!

Our nation is in a vulnerable position both from a national security standpoint and from a spiritual standpoint. With wars continuing to rage across the globe, political leaders missing in action, and unprecedented political instability at home, followers of Christ need to be a source of stabilizing hope during this time of chaos.

We are living in very unsettled and turbulent times, but we take comfort in the fact that no matter who holds the reins of power that God remains on the throne. While some might be taken in by the "God-talk," of various political parties, we as the church remain true to the core values we find in scripture, and we will not compromise biblical truth.

Scripture tells us that "if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land" (2 Chr. 7:14). Therefore, I, the undersigned, commit to praying for the security and stability of the United States of America, that our nation would return to God, and place its trust in Him. I, as a member of the church and the body of Christ, commit to being a shining light rooted in the word of God, and I am praying for other believers to remain focused on the Lord, and not be tossed about by the waves of political uncertainty as others are.

I pray that the Lord would use these unstable times to turn people to Him as the only sure and enduring foundation.

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