Connor Semelsberger

Director of Federal Affairs, Life and Human Dignity

Connor Semelsberger serves as the Director of Federal Affairs - Life and Human Dignity for Family Research Council.  Under the Direction of the Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, he lobbies Congress and federal agencies to advance FRC's goals on pro-life, bioethics, and sex education issues.

His work with legislators and staff includes analyzing and drafting legislation, conducting policy research, crafting talking points, and briefing key stakeholders. He also serves as an FRC spokesman on pro-life issues writing op-eds, blogs, and press releases as well as doing interviews for several media outlets including Washington Watch with Tony Perkins.

Before landing at FRC, Connor served as a consultant with the U.S. Department of Education, where he assessed best practices for monitoring federal grant programs. He also interned with Congressman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) and the Heritage Foundation. Connor received his B.A. in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland, graduating Phi Beta Kappa and cum laude. He also earned his Master of Public Policy degree from Maryland, where he specialized in Non-Profit Management and Leadership.

Hailing from Pennsylvania, Connor enjoys traveling, and rooting for his hometown Pittsburgh Steelers.

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Recent Activity

‘Off-the-Wall Abortion Policies’ Are Actually Common Sense, Widely Supported

How One State Judicial Election May Determine the Value of Thousands of Unborn Children

Walgreens Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Bob Good, Connor Semelsberger, Joseph Backholm, Tony Perkins, Gregg Walters

Born-Alive Abortion Survivors: Just the Facts - 2024 Edition

Connor Semelsberger, Tom Fitton, Mary Szoch, Meg Kilgannon

Greg Steube, Tony Perkins, Jonathan Gilliam, Connor Semelsberger

Killing Unborn Children Will Never Solve Maternal Mortality

Pat Fallon, Hans Von Spakovsky, Meg Kligannon, Frank Wolf, Connor Semelsberger

The American Family Is Disintegrating. The Rebuild Needs to Start in Our Own Homes.

After the 2016 Surprise, Democrats Have Solidified Their ‘Blue Wall’

Greg Pence, Matt Carpenter, Connor Semelsberger, Ken Blackwell

Scott Rasmussen, Brent Keilen, Connor Semelsberger, Gary Hamrick

Drugs, Drugs, and More Drugs: How Psychedelics Are Becoming the New Marijuana

Pat Fallon, Dr. A. J. Nolte, Ben Johnson, Connor Semelsberger

The Holding of Roe v. Wade Was Never In Line with American Attitudes on Abortion

Roe v. Wade: An Explainer

One Small Step for California, One Giant Leap for Abortion

South Carolina Could Become 20th State to Protect Life at Conception

The Nevada Equal Rights Amendment May Actually Jeopardize Equal Rights

U.S. Abortion Law in Comparison with the Globe

Byron Donalds, Connor Semelsberger, Edward Graham, Chris Mitchell

Byron Donalds, Connor Semelsberger, Edward Graham, Chris Mitchell

‘This Is the Starting Line’: Pro-Life Activists Vow to Support Moms and Babies

Steve Scalise, Robert Cahaly, Connor Semelsberger, Dr. Ronnie Floyd

DeSantis and Rubio Pave the Way for Pro-Family Tax Policy

Kevin Hern, Rachel Morrison, Connor Semelsberger, Dave Brat

Connor Semelsberger, Mike Davis, David Harsanyi, Gordon Chang, Dr. Owen Strachan

Andy Biggs, Bill Marshall, Connor Semelsberger, Hans von Spakovsky

Abortions Were Rising Before Dobbs. The Battle to Lower Them Will Be Fought in the States.

John Stemberger, Connor Semelsberger, Erica Steinmiller-Perdomo, Greg Burt, Tony Perkins

Gordon Chang, Andrew Bostom, Melissa Ohden, Brittany Jones

Connor Semelsberger, Buddy Carter, Vicky Hartzler, Roger Severino, John Kindt

Scott Perry, Jackie Walorski, Connor Semelsberger, Aaron DiPietro, Dr. Jennifer Bauwens

Steve Daines, Connor Semelsberger, Tate Reeves, Mike Waltz, Brad Wilcox

The Bookends of Life: A Reflection on Human Dignity

Kevin Cramer, Josh Hawley, Gordon Chang, Connor Semelsberger, Nury Turkel

Pat Fallon, Ken Cuccinelli, Randy Fine, John Stemberger, Connor Semelsberger

Chuck Fleischmann, Connor Semelsberger, Brent Keilen, David McDonald

Preparing for a Post-Roe America: The History and Context of Pro-Life Laws in the States

Marjorie Jackson, Matt Rosendale, Andrew Beckwith, Connor Semelsberger, David Closson

Heartbeats Protect the Unborn in Idaho

Louie Gohmert, James Lankford, Nina Shea, Steve Daines, Meg Kilgannon

Scott Perry, John Malcolm, Connor Semelsberger, David Closson

Vicky Hartzler, James Lankfor, Mary Szoch, Connor Semelsberger

President Biden's One Major Success In His First Year: Turning America Into an Abortion Haven

Jeff Landry, Simon Calvert, Connor Semelsberger, David Closson

Millions Could Lose Their 'Right' to Abortion, Millions More Have Lost Their Right to Life

Andy Biggs, Connor Semelsberger, Ken Paxton, Tami Fitzgerald, Meg Kilgannon

Steve Daines, Chad Wolf, Mat Staver, Connor Semelsberger

Michael Waltz, Todd Rokita, Jason Martinez, Connor Semelsberger

Biden's Plan to "Help" the American Family Is to Tax Them More

In Biden's "Families" Plan, Government Becomes Everyone's Caretaker

Kerry Picket, Ralph Norman, Dan Bishop, Ian Prior, Connor Semelsberger

Biden One-Ups Obama on Taxpayer-Funded Abortion

Ron Johnson, Dan Celia, Connor Semelsberger

Mark Robinson, Roger Gannam, Gene Hamilton, Connor Semelsberger

Manchin Walks the (Red) Line to Courageously Defend Hyde

Buddy Carter, Connor Semelsberger, Roger Gannam, David Closson

Michael Cloud, Connor Semelsberger, Mary Szoch, Meg Kilgannon

Pelosi and Biden Give Human Life a One-Two Punch

Too Much Spending -- Even for Democrats?

Don Bacon, Connor Semelsberger, Michelle Cretella, Victoria Cobb

Kat Cammack, Connor Semelsberger, Jonathan Saenz, David Closson

America's Direct Deposit to Planned Parenthood

Biden Makes Alphabet Soup as COVID Threatens Faith Abroad

FRC On the Hill (May 10-14)

Tanden: Too Radical for Thee but Not for Me

Ralph Norman, John Joyce, Connor Semelsberger, Jim DeMint

100 Days: A Big Helping of Abortion Funding with a Side of COVID Relief

When It Comes to Federal Abortion Funding, Biden Is the All-Time King

FRC On the Hill (April 19-23): D.C. Statehood and Banking Access for Big Marijuana

American Dollars Should Have No Part In China's Forced Sterilizations

Senate's Lack of Advice Is Leading to Consent to Biden's Radical Agenda

FRC On the Hill (April 12-16): Standing Up Against Radical Abortion Policies

Think Your Tax Dollars Will Never Fund Abortion? Don't Be So Sure.

FRC On the Hill (March 22-26): Senate Moves Quickly to Confirm Biden's Radical Nominees

FRC On the Hill (March 15-19): A Radical HHS Secretary, So-Called "Women's Rights" Bills, and the Equality Act

FRC On the Hill (March 8-12): Covid Relief Spending, a Radical Foreign Policy Agenda, and Extreme Nominees

American Rescue Plan Act Spends Over $450 Billion that Can Fund Abortions

Connor Semelsberger on the Dignity for Aborted Children Act

Biden Seeks to Boost Planned Parenthood Funding to New Levels

Ken Blackwell, Connor Semelsberger, Wes Allen, David Closson

Biden's Cabinet (Part 1): Secretary of State Blinken Plans to Expand Abortion Worldwide

Taxpayer Funding of Abortion and Abortion Businesses

The pro-life electoral victories show wide appeal across America

Maria Keffler, Connor Semelsberger, Matt Carpenter, Quena Gonzalez

Reince Priebus, Ken Blackwell, J. Christian Adams, Connor Semelsberger, Mary Beth Waddell, Joseph Backholm, Brent Keilen

House Resolution Coerces Members to Support Abortion Rights

Presidential Order Recognizes All Newborn Life is Precious

FRC On the Hill (September 21-25)

FRC On the Hill (September 14-18)

Snopes Overlooks the Facts in Its Fact-Check of the Senate Born-Alive Vote

State Department Reaffirms That the U.S. Can Meet Global Health Goals While Protecting Life

FRC on the Hill (July 27-August 7)

FRC's Efforts on Capitol Hill (Week of July 20)

During the Pandemic, the Trump Administration Is Continuing to Protect Religious Freedom

The Media Attacks Churches for Getting PPP Loans, But Ignores Planned Parenthood

Charity: Who Does It Best?

Families and Charitable Organizations: The Foundation of American Society

Families and Charitable Organizations, The Foundation of American Society

Speaker Pelosi's Partisan Coronavirus Relief Bill Attacks Life and Family

Congressional Support for Communities of Faith Pays off for Churches

Why Are Catholics Turning on the Little Sisters?

Coronavirus Relief: What Churches and Nonprofits Need to Know About Accessing SBA Loans

How Federal Coronavirus Legislation Will Impact Your Family (Part 3)

How the Coronavirus Relief Bills Benefit Churches and Other Nonprofits

How Federal Coronavirus Legislation Will Impact Your Family (Part 2)

How Federal Coronavirus Legislation Will Impact Your Family (Part 1)

Ninth Circuit Rules in Favor of the Protect Life Rule, Again

Terry Jeffrey, Katherine Johnson, Brooke Rollins, Travis Weber

FRC Puts Life on the Map

Steve Scalise, Don Bacon, Connor Semelsberger, David Closson

Melissa Ohden, Josiah Presley, Claire Culwell, Patrina Mosley, Connor Semelsberger

Trump Administration Closes Out 2019 by Protecting Life and Religious Freedom

Trump's Office of Civil Rights is Becoming a Beacon of Freedom for the American People

Mike Johnson, Patrina Mosley, Connor Semelsberger, Alex Swoyer, Hogan Gidley

Abortion Funding Change Already Bearing Fruit for Life

Mike Pompeo, Russ Fulcher, Connor Semelsberger, Jerry Boykin

Life-Affirming Title X Recipients Will Now Receive Even More Funding Thanks in Part to Planned Parenthood

Vermont Nurse Forced to Participate in an Abortion Despite a Conscience Objection

Planned Parenthood Forgoes Title X Funding, Choosing Abortion over Women's Healthcare

Planned Parenthood Rejects Title X and Proves Their Bottom Line Is Abortions

Court Rulings on the Protect Life Rule Leave Abortion Advocates Stunned

Minnesota Reports 3 Born-Alive Babies in 2018

Pro-Life Title X Rule Upheld, For Now

House Democrats are Allergic to the Truth When it Comes to Pro-Family Policies

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act: Just the Facts

Title X Rule Changes Protect the Unborn and Increase Health Care Options