David Closson

David Closson serves as the Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview at Family Research Council where he researches, writes, and speaks about life, human sexuality, religious liberty, and related issues from a biblical worldview. He is the author of FRC's Biblical Worldview Series, which seeks to help Christians and Christian leaders apply the teachings of the Bible to difficult moral questions.

David's work has appeared at Fox NewsReal Clear PoliticsNational ReviewThe Council for Biblical Manhood and WomanhoodDecision MagazineWORLD OpinionsThe Gospel CoalitionTownhall, and Christian Post. He is the author of the forthcoming book Life After Roe: Equipping Christians in the Fight for Life Today (B&H Academic, 2025) and is the co-author of Male and Female He Created Them: A Study on Identity, Sexuality, and Marriage (Christian Focus, 2023). David is a regular guest on Washington Watch, FRC's national television and radio program heard on over 800 stations in forty-eight states.

While in seminary, David served as a Teaching Assistant and as an assistant to the Dean of the School of Theology at Southern Seminary. He has also served as a Program Leader for Covenant Journey, leading trips to Israel designed to strengthen Christian college students in their faith through an experiential journey of biblical and modern Israel. David has served on staff or as an ordained deacon at churches in Florida and Kentucky. He also interned for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. 

Since 2024, David has served as a Fellow for Human Dignity and Public Policy at the Land Center for Cultural Engagement at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Currently, David is a Ph.D. candidate in Christian Ethics at Southwestern Seminary. David is a graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div., Th.M.) and the University of Central Florida (B.A., political science, cum laude).

David lives in the Washington, D.C. area and is a member of Capitol Hill Baptist Church.

Recent Activity

Jeff Clark, Dr. John Lott, E. J. Antoni, David Closson

A Comparison of the 2024 Republican and Democratic Party Platforms

Erick Stakelbeck, Gordon Chang, Susan Crabtree, David Closson

Burgess Owens, John Stemberger, Quena Gonzalez, David Closson

Randy Weber, Ken Klukowski, Kevin Sorbo, David Closson

Joel Griffith, Craig Huey, Michael Scott, David Closson

Eli Crane, Matt Lohmeier, Dr. Michael New, David Closson

Pete Sessions, Scott Rasmussen, David Closson, Chris Mitchell

Tim Burchett, Andrew Bailey, Meg Kilgannon, David Closson

Keith Self, Chad Connelly, Arielle Del Turco, David Closson

Rightly Ordered Patriotism Is Not Christian Nationalism

Mark Robinson, Bunni Pounds, Tuly Weisz, David Closson

Chris Gacek, Ralph Norman, Meg Kilgannon, Tony Perkins, David Closson

Marsha Blackburn, Liz Murrill, David Closson, Dr. Albert Mohler

Burgess Owens, Chris Gacek, Dr. Owen Strachan, David Closson

Erin Hawley, David Closson, Tyler O'Neil, Pete Ricketts, Keith Self

Eric Burlison, Ron Estes, Meg Kilgannon, David Closson

Josh Hammer, Keith Self, Travis Weber, David Closson

Tim Burchett, Avi Mizrachi, Sarah Holliday, David Closson

David Closson Gives Biblical Perspective on Today's Political Environment on Victory News

Victoria Marshall, Chris Mitchell, Eric Burlison, Meg Kilgannon, David Closson

Dr. Andy Harris, Cleta Mitchell, Scott Perry, David Closson

Buddy Carter, Ralph Norman, Dr. Mark Harris, David Closson

Recent Claims about Abortion and the Church Fail Biblical and Historical Scrutiny

Robert Aderholt, Lela Gilbert, S. A. McCarthy, David Closson

Tim Burchett, William Caldwell, Ken Blackwell, David Closson

Ep. 80: The Battle for the Border - A Christian Perspective on Immigration

Tim Walberg, Ben Johnson, Mary Szoch, David Closson

‘Hungry to Equip their Flocks’: Reflections on FRC’s Pastor Conferences in Alaska

Rick Scott, Ira Mehlman, Eric Johnston, David Closson

2024: The Year of Consequential Elections

Bob Maginnis, Mitch Prosser, Brad Wilcox, David Closson

Matt Gaetz, Buddy Carter, Vincent Wagner, David Closson

Randy Weber, Jennifer Poirier, Jason Snead, Neha Sahgal, David Closson

‘God Made Trump’ Appeals to a Christian Nationalism Foreign to the Bible

August Pfluger, Chad Connelly, Matt Huffman, David Closson

Una introducción al concepto de cosmovisión

Encouragement from Romania

Randy Weber, Joel Griffith, Chris Gacek, David Closson

Chuck Holton, Andy Harris, Jeff King, John Cooper, David Closson

Abortion: The Unintended Consequence of Shifting Mores on Sex

New Speaker Mike Johnson Attacked for Believing Basic Christian Doctrine

Keith Self, Brent Keilen, Brad Wilcox, David Closson, Jerry Boykin

Ep. 41: When is 'Christian' Teaching No Longer Christian?

Jim Banks, Ted Cruz, Jerry Boykin, David Closson

Michael Cloud, Lois McLatchie, Joshua Arnold, David Closson

Ep. 30: The Seven Cornerstones of a Biblical Worldview

David Closson on the Biblical Reality of Gender

Gordon Chang, Dr. Andrew Bostom, Paul Coleman, David Closson

Keith Self, Andrew Bailey, Dr. Carol Swain, Jeff Landry, David Closson

Regarding Abortion, the Views of Regular Churchgoers are Surprisingly Mixed

Matt Rosendale, Andrew Bailey, Arielle Del Turco, Scott Baller, David Closson

In Twitter Debate Over Religious Freedom, Rep. Ilhan Omar Is Right

David Closson Discusses Male & Female He Created Them

Mike Johnson, Marsha Blackburn, E. J. Antoni, Travis Weber, David Closson

An Introduction to Worldview: Refining the Lens Through Which You See Everything

Ron Estes, Dr. Christina Francis, Peter Mcilvenna, David Closson

303 Creative Is a Big Win for Religious Liberty at the Supreme Court

Dobbs at One Year: Political Parties Remain Entrenched on Abortion

Lawrence Wilson, Brad Jurkovich. Greg Burt, Arielle Del Turco, David Closson

Worldview and ‘The Blacklist’

Joe Biden Is Running On Abortion

The Christian Reformed Church: The Pressing Need for Doctrinal Clarity

Rich McCormick, Preston Brashers, David Closson, Irene Ericksen, Meg Kilgannon

"Almost Sin" is Absolutely Wrong

Andy Biggs, Dr. Kendall Baker, Mike Moon, David Closson

Tackling the Confusion over Sexuality in Our Times

Rich McCormick, Aaron Siri, Chris Todd, David Closson

Which Way, Anglicans? Global South Responds to Church of England Blessing Same-Sex Marriages

Ben Cline, Norman Woods, Chris Gacek, David Closson

Republicans Pass Pro-Life Resolution and Bill; Democrat Uses Scripture to Support Abortion

Roe at 50: Reflections and the Road Ahead

David Closson, Michelle Bachmann, Stephen Coughlin, Mark David Hall, A.J. Nolte

Lessons for South Korea from Post-Roe America

Scott Shepard, Alex Nester, Arielle Del Turco, David Closson

Travis Weber, Janice Hisle, Cole Muzio, Herbie Newell, David Closson

The Left’s Argument against Amy Coney Barrett Deserves Our Attention

Chip Roy, Corey DeAngelis, Joy Stockbauer, David Closson

Adoption: The Heart of the Gospel

Andy Biggs, Peter Vlaming, Chris Schandevel, Ken Klukowski, David Closson

James Comer, Dave Walsh, David Closson

‘Straight Line’ vs. ‘Jagged Line’ Issues: Christian Voting in the Midterms

Biblical Principles for Pro-Life Engagement

Andy Biggs, Will Estrada, John Bursch, David Closson

Matt Rosendale, Brian Babin, Jaime Zerbe, Travis Weber, David Closson

Called to Account: MacArthur Highlights Newsom’s Unbiblical Worldview

Andrew Clyde, Roger K. Gannam, Jennifer Bauwens, David Closson

No Respect for Religious Liberty

Michael Guest, Nathaniel Hurd, Joy Stockbauer, David Closson

Bob Good, Marc Marano, Mary Beth Waddell, David Closson

Jim Banks, John Daukas, Joy Stockbauer, David Closson

Is Abortion an Election Game-Changer?

Pat Fallon, Quena Gonzalez, Stephanie Borowicz, David Closson

Stephen Moore, Mary Beth Waddell, Chuck Donovan, Dr. Jennifer Bauwens, David Closson

The Respect for Marriage Act is a Disaster for Religious Liberty

4 Compelling Reasons for the Senate to Oppose Redefining Marriage

Dan Bishop, Mary Hasson, Bob Good, Lela Gilbert, David Closson

House Vote on Marriage Underscores Speed of Moral Revolution

Ron Johnson, Chip Roy, David Closson, Meg Kilgannon, Kevin Brady

Chuck Fleischmann, Mary Szoch, Carroll Conley, Ben Johnson, David Closson

What Would Jesus Do with Pride Parades?

Life Wins at the Supreme Court: Ways the Church Can Respond

Marjorie Jackson, Mary Miller, Justin Danhof, Gene Mills, David Closson

Oliver North, Dave Yost, David Closson, Brent Keilen

Andy Harris, Stephen Moore, Jim Roguski, David Closson

No Communion for Thee: Nancy Pelosi, Abortion, and Pastoral Authority

No Communion for Thee: Nancy Pelosi, Abortion, and Pastoral Authority

Marjorie Jackson, Chris Smith, Jonathan Isaac, Jennifer Bauwens, David Closson

Haris Alic, Warren Davidson, Mark Tapscott, Lela Gilbert, David Closson

Jackie Walorski, Meg Kilgannon, Mary Szoch, David Closson

Dallas Area Pastors Encouraged to be 'Stirred' at Pastors Briefing

Ron Estes, Liz Murrill, Che Ahn, David Closson

Mary Miller, Matt Carpenter, Jonathan Mitchell, David Closson, Joseph Backholm

Randy Weber, Dennis Baxley, Mary Szoch, David Closson

Why "Good Friday" Is So Good

Why 'Good Friday' Is So Good

Jerry Boykin, Bob Good, Jon Schweppe, Mary Szoch, David Closson

Marjorie Jackson, Matt Rosendale, Andrew Beckwith, Connor Semelsberger, David Closson

Marjorie Jackson, Travis Weber, Arielle Del Turco, Lela Gilbert, David Closson

Progressives Seem Willing to Erase Women. Are We Going to Let Them?

Biden's Supreme Court Nominee Refuses to Define the Word "Woman"

Charlie Spiering, Dean Cheng, Mario Diaz, Rachel Emmanuel, David Closson

Guatemala Declared Pro-Life Capital of Latin America

Guatemala Declared Pro-Life Capital of Latin America

Michael Guest, John Stemberger, Alison Centofante, David Closson

Chuck Holton, Eric Patterson, Mike Berry, Travis Weber, David Closson

Rebecca Downs, Warren Davidson, Jennifer Bauwens, Claire Dooley, Meg Kilgannon, David Closson

Beware of False Prophets: Lessons from a "Pro-Choice Pastor" in the U.S. Senate

Senate Democrats Fail to Federally Enshrine Abortion on Demand Until Birth

Borys Gudziak, Katherine Johnson, Joshua Yoder, David Closson

Mark Green, Jin Hye Jo, Quena Gonzalez, David Closson

Thinking Biblically About Missouri's SAFE Act

Mary Miller, Andrew Bostom, Ethan Gutmann, David Closson

Scott Perry, John Malcolm, Connor Semelsberger, David Closson

Haris Alic, Pat Fallon, Parker Thayer, David Closson, Jim Baxa, Mary Szoch

Supreme Court Poised To Rule for Christian Flag

Counseling Bans in Canada and West Lafayette Threaten the Free Speech of Pastors and Counselors

Bob Good, Mike Rounds, Carline Downet, David Closson, Nury Turkel

Religious Freedom Day: The Biden Administration Is Failing To Uphold Our First Freedom

Religious Freedom Day: Biden Fails to Uphold America's First Freedom

Vicky Hartzler, John Cooper, Dave Brat, David Closson

Jeff Landry, Simon Calvert, Connor Semelsberger, David Closson

Year in Review: 10 Stories From 2021

Bob Good, Ralph Norman, Eleanor Gaetan, David Closson

Matt Rosendale, Erin Hawley, David Closson

The Supreme Court Case that Could Overturn Roe v. Wade

George Barna, John Basie, David Closson

Vicky Hartzler, Kristen Waggoner, Matt Rinaldi, David Closson

Pat Fallon, Ralph Norman, Jennifer Bauwens, David Closson

Job or Jab? Thinking Biblically about the Looming Vax Mandates

August Pfluger, Roger Severino, Todd Nettleton, David Closson

Travis Weber, Jerry Boykin, Roger Hiatt, David Closson

Thinking Biblically About Politics in Church

Rick Allen, Katherine Johnson, Meg Kilgannon, David Closson

Mike Johnson, Dave Boyer, Chip Roy, Andrew Bostom, David Closson

Tom McClintock, Patrick Hauf, Meg Kilgannon, David Closson

Buddy Carter, Connor Semelsberger, Roger Gannam, David Closson

Unconscionable: New Bill Proves Democrats Are Okay With Abortion Up Until Birth

How Should Christians Use Religious Exemptions for Vaccine Mandates?

How Should Christians Use Religious Exemptions for Vaccine Mandates?

How Should Christians Think About Biden's Vaccine Mandate?

Pat Fallon, John Seago, Leslie Rutledge, David Closson

Greg Murphy, Brian Kemp, Robert Cahaly, Jack Hibbs, David Closson

A Closer Look at FRC's Viral Tweet: The Bible Really Is Pro-Life (Part 1)

Vicky Hartzler, Mary Szoch, Katherine Johnson, David Closson

Jeremy Barker, Liz Murrill, Bob Good, David Closson

The Tragic Irony of Simone Biles' Support for Abortion

Corey DeAngelis, Nicole Solas, Matt Gore, David Closson, Meg Kilgannon

Kat Cammack, Connor Semelsberger, Jonathan Saenz, David Closson

Does 1 Corinthians 6:9 Really Condemn Homosexual Sex?

What Christians Need to Know About the Case that Could Overturn Roe and Casey

The Duty of Parents in Education

Worldview Wednesday: The Duty of Parents in Education

Olympics Foreshadow Bleak Future for Women's Sports

Does the Bible Really Condemn Abortion?

Does the Bible Really Condemn Abortion?

Southern Baptist Convention Takes Principled Stands for Truth

Southern Baptist Convention Defends the Hyde Amendment

Southern Baptist Convention Opposes the Equality Act

Chip Roy, Dan Bishop, Jena Powell, David Closson

New Barna Research Reveals Extent of America's Loss of Faith

Roger Severino, Meg Kilgannon, Justin Danhof, David Closson

Thinking Biblically About Trends in Worldview

Kat Cammack, Arielle Del Turco, Elizabeth Woning, David Closson

Jerry Boykin, Mark Harris, David Closson, George Barna

Don Bacon, George Barna, David Closson

Mike Pompeo, George Barna, David Closson, Travis Weber

Thinking Biblically About Worldview

Tyler O'Neil, Keisha Russell, George Barna, David Closson

August Pfluger, Travis Weber, Sean Feucht, David Closson

Thinking Biblically About Cancel Culture

Jackie Walorski, Roger Severino, Ken Harrison, David Closson

Mary Szoch, Alec Rowlands, Pat McElraft, David Closson

On the National Day of Prayer, Let's Pray for Religious Freedom

On Thursday's National Day of Prayer, We Should Remember the Words of Abraham Lincoln

Biden's First 100 Days Have Been a Nightmare for Social Conservatives

Mike Kelly, Meg Kilgannon, David Closson

Thinking Biblically About Religious Freedom

Rich Lowry, Steve Soukup, Travis Weber, David Closson

John Boozman, James Comer, Quena Gonzalez, David Closson

David Prentice, Valerie Huber, Dave Yost, David Closson

Thinking Biblically About Loyalty

Equality Act Assails Religious Freedom

Vicky Hartzler, Carrie Severino, Jay Cameron, David Closson

A Biblical Rebuke of the Equality Act

Thinking Biblically About the Resurrection and the Social Gospel

Warnock's Tweet Misses the Point of Easter

Brian Kemp, Robin Lundstrum, David Closson, Michael Waltz

Chris Mitchell, Arielle Del Turco, Ryan Tucker, David Closson

Finding Hope on Good Friday

Tom Cotton, Catrin Wigfall, David Closson, Brent Keilen

You Can't Twist Scripture to Force Women to Compete Against Men in Sports

Greg Murphy, Jason Snead, JP Duffy, David Closson

Thinking Biblically About Courage

Chuck Fleischmann, Patrick Payton, Jonathan Saenz, David Closson

Principios bíblicos de la sexualidad humana

Ken Blackwell, Michele Bachmann, Russ Vought, KathyGrace Duncan, David Closson

Chuck Fleischmann, Patrick Payton, Jonathan Saenz, David Closson

Breaking News: Church Believes the Bible

Jim Banks, Chris Smith, J. Christian Adams, Eric Sammons, David Closson

Marty Makary, Justin Danhof, Bob Fu, David Closson

Jackie Walorski, Michelle Cretella, David Closson

Thinking Biblically About "Christian Nationalism"

The Equality Act Demands Conformity to Moral Anarchy

Andy Biggs, Mary Szoch, Peter Sprigg, David Closson

Steve Daines, Ryan T. Anderson, Gordon Chang, David Closson

Biden's Cabinet (Part 2): Abortion Hardliner Xavier Becerra Is Not Fit to Lead HHS

Study: Most Biden Voters Don't Know Scripture

Ken Blackwell, Connor Semelsberger, Wes Allen, David Closson

David Closson on Cancel Culture

A Real Time out for Labeling Christians

Roger Marshall, John Hines, James Comer, David Closson

Supremes Side with Churches over Newsom

Chad Wolf, Kelvin Cochran, David Closson

Religious Freedom Day: Recovering our first freedom after a rough 2020

Jeff Mordock, Mary Szoch, David Closson

John Hines, Terry Jeffrey, David Curry, David Closson

Year in Review: 10 Stories From 2020

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, David Closson, Travis Weber, Brent Keilen

Christmas Prophecies (Part 6): How the Servant's Death Brings the Light of Life

Christmas Prophecies (Part 5): The Lamb of God Is Sacrificed for Our Transgressions

Christmas Prophecies (Part 4): The Suffering Servant Is Rejected by Mankind

Christmas Prophecies (Part 3): A Root That Is Despised

Christmas Prophecies (Part 2): How the Suffering Servant Defied Expectations

Christmas Prophecies (Part 1): Why We Should Contemplate Christ's Suffering at Christmas

Biden's HHS nomination sign of admin's likely extreme abortion course

Mike Johnson, Lela Gilbert, Mike McClure, David Closson

Warnock Professes To Be a Christian, But Look What He Actually Believes

New 'Woke' Denomination is a Warning Sign to Christians

When Churches Should Defy COVID-19 Restrictions

Jay Richards, John Cribb, Arielle Del Turco, David Closson

Jay Bhattacharya, David Closson, Peter Sprigg, Ken Blackwell, Brent Keilen

Principios bíblicos de la libertad religiosa

Principios bíblicos para la defensa de la vida antes de nacer

Roy Blunt, Tyler O'Neil, Travis Weber, David Closson

Should Christians Really Support ACB?

It Is Time for Churches to Reopen: Theological and Legal Implications of Unfair Restrictions on Churches

Ted Cruz, Ben Sasse, Brian Morgenstern, Andrew Bostom

Should Christians Vote?

Politics: How Involved Should Christians Be?

The Battle Against Big Brother: Churches Refuse to Yield

The 2020 Election: A Clear Distinction on Abortion

The Persecution of the Church -- California Style

The Domino Effect of Worldview

Pastor Stands against Uneven Standard

Tom Cotton, Ken Blackwell, Scott Carpenter, David Closson

Andy McCarthy, John McLaughlin, Jeff Landry, David Closson

Biblical Principles for Human Sexuality

Jennifer Harper, Mark Green, Harry Jackson, David Closson

Is it Time for Churches to Reopen?

God Help Us - Kamala Harris Voted Against Protecting Already Born Babies from Being Legally Murdered

Marsha Blackburn, Dean Nelson, Jack Hibbs, David Closson

Debbie Lesko, David Closson, Arielle Del Turco, Jarrett Stepman

Craig Parshall, Brandon Showalter, David Closson, Doreen Denny

Are Christians Forbidden to Eat Blood?

Jorge Ventura, Josh Hawley, David Cortman, David Closson

'Cancel Culture' and the Historical Illiteracy That Fuels It

Ken Blackwell, David Closson, Lindsey Burke

Andy Harris, David Closson, Mark Hemingway, Rushan Abbas

What the Pandemic and the Protests Reveal About the Church's Lost Moral Influence

Dan Bishop, Todd Gilbert, Bob Fu, David Closson

Mark Green, Roger Marshall, David Closson, Lela Gilbert

For the Fourth Time, HHS Defends the Elderly and Disabled

Mike Johnson, Travis Weber, David Closson

Why Bostock Will Never Have the Final Word On Human Sexuality

Gender and Sexuality in the 2020 Election

Katherine Johnson, David Closson, Gordon Chang, John McLaughlin

Chris Farrell, David Closson, Harry Jackson

D-Day at 76

Prayerfully Responding to Civil Unrest

Ken Blackwell, Robert Redfield, Paul Jonna, Jack Hibbs, David Closson

Ross Spano, Eugene Scalia, Garrett Booth, David Closson

Prayer Point #8: Pray for a Posture of Trust

Tom Cotton, George Barna, David Closson

Joe DiGenova, Tim Winter, Tony Perkins, David Closson

This National Day of Prayer, Ask God to Bless America During the Pandemic

Choosing Faith over Fear

Lindsey Graham, Scott Rasmussen, Travis Weber, David Closson

Religious Freedom: A Consistent Priority for the Trump Administration

Russ Crosson, Ryan Tucker, David Closson, Jonathan Butcher

Restrictions on Religious Freedom During the Coronavirus Crisis

Roger Severino, David Closson, Jennifer Bryson, Katherine Beck Johnson, Lela Gilbert

Steve Scalise, Brent Keilen, Arielle Del Turco, David Closson

Jeff Landry, Mike Farris, Travis Weber, David Closson

Open the Doors? The Vast Majority of Churches are Not Defying Government Orders

Prayer Point #7: Pray for a Spirit of Generosity

Gordon Chang, Dr. Paul Marshall, Gordon Godfrey, Travis Weber, David Closson

Roger Severino, Cal Beisner, David Closson, Sam Sorbo, Meg Kilgannon

Tom Cotton, Franklin Graham, Marc Lipsitch, Gary Keesee, Drenda Keesee, David Closson

Prayer Point #6: Pray for Honest Reporting

Josh Hawley, Martin Makary, Ted Yoho, Travis Weber, David Closson

Prayer Point #5: Pray for Health Care Workers and First Responders

Prayer Point #4: Pray for the Vulnerable

Prayer Point #3: Pray for Church Leaders

Mike Pompeo, Tom Cotton, Tate Reeves, Travis Weber, David Closson

Prayer Point #2: Pray for Government Leaders

"Be Not Afraid": How Christians and Church Leaders Can Respond to the Coronavirus

Prayer Point #1: Pray for an End to the Spread of the Virus

Jack Hibbs, Tony Perkins, Terry Jeffrey, Travis Weber, David Closson

Ben Carson, Aaron Harvie, Michael Burgess, Travis Weber, David Closson

Josh Hawley, Adrian Zenz, Chris Mitchell, David Closson

Principios bíblicos para la participación política

Callous and Cruel: The Senate Fails to Uphold Human Dignity

Jim Geraghty, David Closson, Justin Danhof, Peter Sprigg

Luke Berg, Ken Blackwell, Michael New, David Closson

Richard Dawkins Reminds Us: Worldviews Have Consequences

Jackie Walorski, Peter Sprigg, David Closson

Tom Cotton, Andy Harris, Stephen Moore, Travis Weber, David Closson

Mike Pompeo, Scott Rasmussen, Jessica Ditto, Robert Grant, David Closson

Gordon Chang, Ken Cuccinelli, Richard Corcoran, Travis Weber, David Closson

Kristan Hawkins, David Closson, Justin Danhoff, Thad Altman, Lakisha Robinson

Greg Gianforte, Jerry Boykin, Michael Pack, Scott Rasmussen, David Closson

Chris Mitchell, Ted Yoho, Emily Chaney, Travis Weber, David Closson

Ted Poe, Jack Hibbs, Travis Weber, David Closson

Remembering the Holocaust Amid Rising Anti-Semitism

Marching for Lives

47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade: Increasing opposition to abortion nationwide

Jody Hice, Andy Biggs, Claire Culwell, Travis Weber, David Closson

Dean Nelson, Travis Weber, Brent Keilen, David Closson

Religious Freedom Still Deserves Our Respect

Scott Perry, Hormoz Shariat, Joe Grogan, David Closson

James Lankford, Ted Yoho, Quena Gonzalez, David Closson

Chris Smith, Tyler O'Neil, Jerry Boykin, David Closson

A Split in the Pews: Methodists Cope with LGBT Standoff

Steve Scalise, Don Bacon, Connor Semelsberger, David Closson

Jerry Boykin, Brad Wenstrup, Greg Laurie, David Closson

Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, Travis Weber, Brent Keilen, David Closson, Marcus Harris

Cissie Graham Lynch, David Closson, Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

Netflix's Mocking of Christians Is Not Sitting Well With Brazilians

Louie Gohmert, Monica Cole, Jonathan Larcomb, David Closson

Rep. Chris Smith, Dr. Albert Mohler, David Closson

Liberty in the Things of God (Book Review)

Why Christians must care about the international persecuted church

Josh Hawley, Gus Bilirakis, David Closson, Meg Kilgannon

Brandon Darby, Scott Rasmussen, Travis Weber, David Closson

Ted Yoho, Mike Kelly, Jim Campbell, David Closson

Jerry Boykin, Ethan Gutmann, Matt Krause, Jared Bridges, David Closson

Mike Johnson, Ben Carson, David Fowler, David Closson

Not Even Sermons Are Safe Anymore

Chris Mitchell, Victoria Coates, Peter Sprigg, David Closson

Adam Kennedy, Travis Weber, Adrian Zenz, David Closson

James O'Keefe, Travis Weber, David Closson

Lindsey Graham, Bassam Ishak, Terry Jeffrey, David Closson

Travis Weber, David Closson, Mike Cloud, Meg Kilgannon, Jesse Gill

Religious liberty is in the Bible

Jason Chaffetz, Christin Willis, Jim Banks, David Curry, David Closson

Religious Tax Exemption Good for Society, Church and State

The Human Dignity of Klopfer's Victims

Former LGBT marchers shows need for religious freedom in counseling

Biblical Principles for Religious Liberty

Mary Beth Waddell, Debbie Lesko, Carter Conlon, William Boykin, David Closson

What the LA Times Gets Wrong About Religious Freedom

Gordon Chang, Andy Biggs, David Closson

John Cooper, Alfonso Cirulli, Angie Wallace, David Closson

Isolation, White Supremacy, and Despair: A Christian Response to El Paso

Finding Hope in the Joshua Harris Story

Mike Johnson, Chris Wilson, David Closson

Biblical Principles for Political Activism in the 2020 Presidential Election

Democrats Are Fixated on Climate Change. How Should Christians Respond?

Biblical Principles for Political Engagement: Worldview, Issues, and Voting

The Sexual Revolution and sex abuse scandals: A Protestant take on Pope Benedict's letter

Rep. Brian Babin, Gen. Jerry Boykin, David Closson

Sen. Roy Blunt, Rep. Andy Harris, Terry Jeffrey, Chris Gacek, David Closson, Mary Beth Waddell

Biden, Pence and the Left's 'Decency' Standard

President Trump's Pro-Life Proclamation

The Pro-Infanticide Party

Democratic Congresswoman Condemns Religious Bigotry, Standing up to Her Party in a Rare Act of Courage

Religious Freedom Day

Family Research Council: Congress Must Repeal Its Tax on Churches and Charities

Speaking the Truth in Love: Lauren Daigle and the Reality of Being a Christian in Modern America

Season for Giving to Religious Groups

For Christians, Voting Is Not an Option. It Is a Divine Calling.

Faith Based Adoption Agencies Under Attack

Evangelicals Power Republicans to Senate Victories

How Shall We Engage Politically? A Response to Tim Keller and Kevin DeYoung

The Image of God and the Pursuit of Truth in the Kavanaugh Hearing

Lawsuit Targeting Faith-Based Adoption Agencies Allowed to Proceed in Michigan

SOGI Law Forces Catholic Adoption Provider to Close After 95 Years